All Talk (stories that have nothing but dialogue) + indicates that this story has been added since the last update 155 Words - Too Old by Shoshana {G} [R] 2AM by Agent L {G} [PG] Accusations by Agent Spooky {G} [PG] And in the Darkness Bind Them by Darkstryder Artistry by Thyme Bequest by David Stoddard-Hunt {G} [PG] Bodice Ripper by Trixie {G} [NC-17] Bloodsucker by mimic117 Blue Monday by Kel {G} [PG] Breathing by Jamie Greco {G} [PG] But You'll Wish It Were by The X-Pig {G}{M}{W} [NC-17] The Case of the Cotton Candy Clones by Dx Centerfield by shannono {G} [PG] Chapfallen by mimic117 {G} [R] The Clones Return by Dx Coming Up Roses by mimic117 {G}{M} [PG] Conversation in the Dark by dee_ayy {G}{M} [PG - PG-13] The Conversation on the Waterbed by shannono {G} [R] Conversation Piece 1&2 by Jess M A Couple Of Agents Sitting Around And Talking by octavian {G} [PG] D*mnit by aRcaDIaNFall$ {G} [PG] Dana vs. Bill by Livia Balaban {G} [PG] Early Dialogues series by Susan The Enigmas Of String Cheese by Blue Dragon {G} [PG] by Mona Lisa {G} [PG] Even Skinner by Rhetta {G} [G] Every Cloud Has A Silver Lining by OKayVal & Tali {G} [PG] Everything and a Kite by Sabine {G} [PG] Foolish Games Series 1 - 3 a.m. by The X-Pig {G} [PG - NC-17] Hollywood Bath Time by Jacquie LaVa I Just Called to Say by CM {G} [PG] I Should Have Thought Of This Sooner by Catriona Wimsey I'm Sorry, Scully by Erin Blair {G} [PG] Incompatible by Kel {G} [PG] Inflection series by banlu {G} [G] Jersey-deviled by mimic117 {G} [PG] The Last Scene by Christine Leigh {G} [PG] Loneliness of My Heart by Erin Blair {G} [R] Melancholy Mulder and the Moonbeam Maiden by Abra Elliott {G} [R] Might As Well Face It by mimic117 {G} [G] Mixed Drinks 5 - Lover's Kiss by shannono {G} [PG] Moving Right Along by mimic117 {G} [G] Mulder, It's Me by TBishop {G} [PG] My Cellular One & Only by frogdoggie Mylanta Dreams by mimic117 {G} [G] Nana by Ewa Allison {G} [PG-13] A Night With Murphy by mimic117 {G}{W} [NR] Once Upon a Mattress by Polly {G} [PG] Ooo Too by aRcaDIaNFall$ {G} [G] Our Happy Ending by Rhetta {G} [PG] Pair Bonding by bellefleur A Plane Conversation by Maria Santos {M} [G] Post-Climactic Stress by Lysandra {G} [NC-17] Reach Out & Touch Someone by mimic117 {G} [R] Ring? by shannono {G} [PG] Rosebud by FoxfireX & Girlie_girl7 {G} [R] Scarlet by Jamie Greco {G} [PG] Scully's Valentine Present by Erin Blair {G} [PG] Simulation Stimulation by shannono {G} [R] Six Months: Peeling Onions, Omelettes, and Wedded Bliss by Erin Blair {G} [PG] Skeptical Scully and the Simple Solution by Abra Elliott {G} [PG] Sociability by Thyme {G} [PG] Talk to Me by salliejohns {G} [R] Thank You Notes by Agent L {G} [G] Three Little Words by Polly {G} [PG] The Top Ten Mulder List by Avalon {G} [PG] Traffic Fun by trynsh {G} [R] Truth or Dare by Jamie Greco {G} [PG] Truth or Dare part 2: Truth AND Dare by Jamie Greco {G} [PG] Truth or Dare part 3: More Truth, Less Dare by Jamie Greco {G} [PG] Truth or Dare part 4: The Truth In A Dare by Jamie Greco {G} [R] Worry by Spookyteacher {G} [G] You Healed My Heart by Erin Blair {G} [PG] You are here: