Bars/Nightclubs/Dancing (Also see Drunk Fic) + indicates that this story has been added since the last update 10 by (author name removed by request) {W} [NC-17] Abject by PD Bar Scenes series by Michelle Kiefer {G}{M} [PG] The Baton Rouge Series by frogdoggie Bentropy by Mik Beyond the Invisible by Exley61 {G}{W} [NC-17] Bittersweet Release by Adara {G}{W} [NC-17] Blood Oranges by Syntax6 {G}{A}{W} [NC-17] Brandy's 1 and 2 by Sheryl Martin {G} [G] Buffeted by Maggie McCain {G} [PG] Cheap Fire by Mojo {G} [NC-17] Club Car Lounge by Mo Bocks {G} [NR] Cold Cuts by Joann Humby {G}{M} [R] A Complicated Fable or Sybil's Birthday Story by Beduini {G} [NC-17] Dance by Shoshana {G} [G] Demons by Tara O'Shea {G} [PG] Drinking Buddies by Trixie {G} [PG] Enough 02 - Come Play My Game by Nicole {G} [NC-17] Fair Game by mimic117 {G} [PG] +The Fall Will Probably Kill You by David Hearne {G} [PG] Flash 01 - In a Flash by TCS1121 {G}{M} [NC-17] Flying Under the Radar by Tesla {G} [NC-17] A Fresh and Desolate Hell by Snoopmar From the Ashes by Jamie Greco {G}{A}{M} [PG] Girltalk by Amy Schafer & Ryo Sen {G} [R] Girls Night Out by Sheryl Martin {G} [PG] Good Vibrations by Lysandra {G}{W} [NC-17] Heat by Spooky's Girl {G}{W} [R] Honky Tonk Man by Jacquie LaVa I Never by ArtemisX5 {G} [PG] If You Were to Wake Up by Kate Rickman {G} [R] Impure Thoughts by Pywacket {G}{W} [NC-17] Jitterbug Perfume 01 - Nightclub Jitters by Dasha K {G} [NC-17] Just Pretending? by Yonada {G}{W} [NC-17] Last Call by frogdoggie {G} [PG] The Last Word by Alicia K Letters of Transit by Loch Ness {A} [NC-17] Lick, Drunk, Suck by Zoonr {G} [R] Licking and Sucking by 2shy Lucky X in the City by Lilydale {G} [NR] Midnight Mark-up by Louise Marin {G} [R] Mysterious Stranger by Autumn {G} [PG] Never by Alison Kinney {G}{W} [NC-17] Never His Control by Sonja Blue No Place to Hide by T. Bishop {G} [R] The Red and the Black by Virtie {G}{W} [NC-17] Rumble in the Jungle by mimic117 {G} [R] Second Skin Satin by Kim Berglund {G} [NR] Sentinel & Nun by Diana Battis {G} [PG] Sex On the Beach by Lovesfox {W} [NC-17] The South Shall Rise Again by Gina Rain {G}{M} [NC-17] Split Seconds by Trixie {G} [PG] A Stiff One by (author name removed by request) {W} [NC-17] Str8 by Mik Teetering by MD1016 {G}{W} [NC-17] Thunder by Rachel Anton {G} [NC-17] Under the Influence by ktblle {G} [NC-17] Under the Rose by bugs {G} [NC-17] Until There's Nothing Left to Say by Xenoprobe {G} [PG] Wind River by Cathleen Faye {A}{G} [NC-17] You are here: