Betrayal + indicates that this story has been added since the last update Another Life by Erin Blair Betrayal by Laura Anne Gilman {G}{M}[R] Betrayed by Nancy V. {G} [PG] Blurred Vision by Leigh Alexander (other) {G} [PG] Consequences 01 & 02 by Jennifer Clark {G} [PG] Deception by TBishop {G} [R] Duplicity by Dawson Rambo {G} [PG] Gone by Erin Blair I Trusted You by Angela C.J. Wettergren {G} [PG] I'm Sorry, Scully by Erin Blair {G} [PG] The Irony of Lies by Brenna {G} [G] Julia by Mish Misery of One by Erin Blair {G} [R] Mistaken Moments by Erin Blair {G} [PG] The Other by Erin Blair {G} [PG] Restless 01 by Annette Gisby {G} [NR] Restless 02 - The Betrayal by Annette Gisby {G} [NC-17] Sacrifice by Erin Blair {G} [PG] You are here: