Mulder Has a Chip + indicates that this story has been added since the last update Bargains by Amperage & Summer {G} [PG] The Bright White Place by Nancy Nivling {G}{A} [NC-17] The Call by Ten {G}{M} [PG] Complicated Shadows by WickdZoot {M} [NC-17] Crossing the Rubicon by Pita1013 {G} [PG] Damaged Goods by Dawn {G}{M} [R] Disconnected by Joann Humby {G/M} [R] Fugue by RivkaT {G}{M} [R] The Invisible War by Xenith {G} [R] Lies and More Lies by Vickie Moseley {G}{M} [PG] Little Earth by Xanthe {G}{M} [NC-17] Nothing So Loud by Pellinor & Rebecca Rusnak {G} [R] November Eleventh by Lisby {G}{M} [NR] You are here: