Colton Gets His (can be a very small part or large part of the story) + indicates that this story has been added since the last update After the Return by Joey R Animals by Evan Black Bokor Holiday by Cheryl Cohen {G}{M} [PG] Cogito Ergo Sum by Lisa {G} [PG] Colton's Ladder by Alistair McLean {G} [PG] Donuts by Amy Watson & Valerie Schrock {G} [G] Foxtrot by Rev. Anna {G}{M} [PG] Groundhog Day Burgers by Abree Brand {G} [PG] The Half-Naked Truth by Jo-Ann Lassiter {G} [G] Ignis Fatuus by Lydx {G} [R] Let No Star Shine by Taffy Northwood {G} [PG] Letters by Suzanne Bickerstaffe & Melody (IMTP VS 08x06) Little Blue Pill by Caz the Beeslayer {G} [NC-17] Loose Ends by Laura Silver {G} [R] Mind Games by spider {G}{A} [NC-17] Mrs. Spooky by Ary {G} [PG] Recycled Virgins by Kel {G} [NC-17] Remembering Colton by Donna {G} [R] Specialist Skills by Joann Humby {G} [PG] Too Close by Jennifer Lyon {G}{A}{M} [R] Twisted by mimic117 {G}{M} [R] Unlooked-for Joy by Anne Haynes Visions 08 - Justifying Visions by Jeannine Ackerson {G}{A} [R] The Winner Take All by Deliah Lemire {G} [PG] You are here: