Living In Hiding + indicates that this story has been added since the last update After the Rain by Imajiru Belmont, Ohio, 3:36 PM by Sarah Segretti {G} [PG] City of Light by Bonetree {G}{M} [NC-17] Clyde by Susan Day Tripping by diehard & ArtemisX5 {G}{W} [NC-17] Disappeared by Laura Castellano {G} [R] Estancia by Alanna {G}{A} [NC-17] Flight Into Egypt series by Vickie Moseley {G} [PG] Going Nowhere by Nicole Perry {G}{A} [PG-R] Goodbyes/Hellos by Donna {G}{M} [PG-R] Home and Free by Elizabeth Iacono {G} [PG] Jasper's Last Thought by MD1016 {G} [PG] Journal 1999 by MD1016 {G}{W} [NC-17] Journal 2000 by MD1016 {G} [NC-17] The Letter Series by Virtues&Vices (Virtie) {G - #1 only} [PG] A Life series by Jacquie LaVa Nebraska by Donna {G} [PG] Night Flight by diehard {G}{W} [NC-17] Once in a Lifetime by Toniann Pater Familias III: Insto by OneMillionAndNine {G} [NC-17] Seaspray by Michelle Kiefer {G} [PG] Shadowland by Pacquin {G} [R] Sisters Remembered by Donna {G} [R] Soap and Eggs by EPurSeMouve {G}{A - Elizabeth Miller} [PG] Sugarland by Pacquin {G} [PG] Tinfoil by Loch Ness Twilight's End by diehard Witless Relocation by Kel {G} [PG] WITSEC by XFBandit {G} [PG] You are here: