Just Pretending (stories featuring dates for appearance only) + indicates that this story has been added since the last update Black Cherry Velvet by Michelle Kiefer {G} [R] Call Girl by Cybill {G} [NC-17] Class Act by Frederica Hollywood {G} [NC-17] Electricity by Darling Dana {G} [PG] Eloin by Annette Gisby {G} [R] Favor for Scully series by Scarlet Scully {G} [PG] Hook, Line & Sinker by Penny Daza {G} [NC-17] It's My Party and I Cry If I Want To by Humbuggie {G}{M} [PG] Just Pretending? by Yonada {G} [NC-17] Making it Personal by Brandon D. Ray {G}{A} [NC-17] N is for New Year's Eve by Donnilee {G}{W}[NC-17] A Neurotic Need for Validation by Kel {G} [G] Scully Pride by FatCat {G} [PG] Sweet Revenge by Ally Carson {G} [PG] Tickled by Kelly E Youse {G} [R] Truckin' by Donnilee & FatCat {G} [NC-17] Ummers by Brandon D. Ray {G} [PG] W is for Wild by Donnilee {G}{W} [NC-17] Where There's a Will by Andrea {G}{W} [NC-17] You are here: http://lostandfoundfaq.xphilefic.com/