Magic + indicates that this story has been added since the last update All Hallows Eve series by Windsinger And Chaos Ensued by attackofthejello & Teresa6 At the Ragged Edge - This Is Your Lullaby by Zara Hemla The Blackthorn Tree series by Maureen S. O'Brien Cancerman and the Indian Rhinoceros by Skidmore Ensorcelled by Stormlanterm Feline Affliction by Sarah Margaret, Diana Alexander, & Sneakers Genie by eponine119 Here, Kitty, Kitty, Kitty by mlb How It All Happened by Claire Phelps (dmulder) In the Night, Dreaming by Emilie Renee Karr Like Me by Jeri K Little Pink Pigs by GirlGone Mercy Seat by Bonetree Quis Si by Trixie The Magician series by Suzanne Bickerstaffe & Jennifer Lyon or Matthew Weed Moments I: Hogwarts Bound by Devin Need by Helen Wills Paper Saints by Jill Selby Rags by Jill Selby That Tight-Assed Cat by Manik The Witch And The Muggle by PhileyX X-File #345: The Sailor Moon Case by Sonya-chan You are here: