Other Dimensions (as opposed to time travel, this is travel to other dimensions) + indicates that this story has been added since the last update Many of these stories can be found here: http://gilliand.narod.ru/au.html or here: http://x-files.bytewright.com/AltUniv.html or here: http://www.squidge.org/~vyper/PhantasyFiles/ Alex Through the Looking Glass by Cody Nelson (not available online) An Alternate Reality by FatCat {G} [PG] Anamnesis by Myriss {G} [PG] Another Life by Erin Blair Another Life II by Erin Blair A Butterfly In China by Nicknoc {G}{A}{W} [NC-17] Coda by Invisigoth421 {G} [R] Collision/Concussion/Coalessence (Multiverse series) by Imajiru Cubed by Louise Marin {G}{A}{W} [NC-17] Deus Ex Memoria by Aris {G} [NR] Dragons 50: Dragons in a Mirror by Sheryl Martin {G}{A} [G] Echo Lane by Louise Wu (slash) {M} [NC-17] The Fate of Time by Kristy Anderson {G} [NC-17] Four Letter Words by FatCat {G} [PG] If I Never Knew You by Cat {G} [PG] +It Happened Tomorrow by Olivia S. The Magician series by Suzanne Bickerstaffe & Jennifer Lyon or Matthew Weed {G}{A}{M}{W} [PG - NC-17] Mirror Mirror by Susan Proto & Vickie Moseley Mobius by L.A. Ward {G} [R] Qui Si by Trixie {W} [NC-17] Rapport by Danielle Culverson {G} [PG] +Relativity by Donna {G} [R] Sandcastles by Medusa {G} [NR] The Sin Eater by Jane Mortimer {G}{M} [PG] Starkweather's Creek by Neoxphile & Scully3776 {G} [R] Straight on til Morning by Brandon Ray {G} [PG] Styx by Dreamlurker Switched by Donna {G}{W} [NC-17] That's All by Virtie {G} [PG] +This Fragile Universe by Neoxphile Time & Choices by Cadillac Red {G} [PG] When a Tree Falls by mabtng {A} [PG] The Wish series by viXen {G}{A}[W} [NC-17] You are here: http://lostandfoundfaq.xphilefic.com/