Possessed! + indicates that this story has been added since the last update Becoming Judas by darkstar {G}{M} [PG] Chantilly Lace by Corrine Hansen {G} [R] Deliver Us From Evil by Sue Esty(Windsinger) {G}{M} [G] Devil's Advocate I by Vickie Moseley & Susan Proto (IMTP VS 08x30){M} [NR] Double Occupancy by Sister Moon {G} [R] Draw Down The Moon by Jenna Tooms {G} [NC-17] Empathy by Swikstr {G} [PG] Every Sparrow Falling by Alloway {G} [PG] Evil Follows Evil by Lori Theodore {G}{M} [PG] Exorcist Stairs by ElanorG {G} [R] The Face Of Evil by dlynn {G}{A} [R] Failure To Die by Kel {G} [PG] Ghost Net by Robin Starveling {G} [PG] The Ghost Of Millcreek Inn by Jacquie LaVa & Tess {G} [NC-17] Ghost Writer by Erica Miszti {G} [NC-17] The Hunt by Rhondda Lake {G} [PG] Jake's Luck by Sue Esty (Windsinger) {G}{A}{M} [NC-17] Lacrimae Mundi by Brandon Ray {G} [NC-17] Malus Genius by Plausible Deniability & Maybe Amanda {G}{W} [NC-17] Martin's Head by Gerry Hill {G}{M} [PG] One Belief Away by Laura Blaurosen {G} [NC-17] Parasite by Rachel L. Smith {G}{A} [PG] Possession by Dantzi Jean {G} [R] Possessions by Rebecca J. Anderson {G} [PG] The Redemption by Judith A. Waples {G}{M} [NC-17] The Reek Of Purity by Xenith {G}{M} [PG] Resurgam by Ophelia {G} [PG] Sea Of Desire by Sheryl Clay {G} [PG] Stalker by Tamara Apouchtine {G} [PG] Thalamium by Christina Peruzzi {G} [PG] Transfers by L.C. Brown {G}{A}{M} [NC-17] Words 07 - At A Loss For Words by Karen Rasch {G}{A}{W} [NC-17] You are here: http://lostandfoundfaq.xphilefic.com/