Scully's In Charge (Scully initiates or takes control in the bedroom) + indicates that this story has been added since the last update 99 & 44/100ths Percent Done by Sarah Segretti {G} [R] All The Lies That Are My Life by OneMillionAndNine {G} [NC-17] Balancing Act by Debra Fran Baker (slash) {G}{W} [NC-17] Bitter Harvest by Michelle Kiefer (IMTP Virtual Season 09x10) {G}{M} [PG] +Devil to Pay by mimic117 {G} [NC-17] Estrogen Frenzy by Brandon Ray {G} [NC-17] Getting Her YaYas by Adrienne {G} [R] Karass by Ashela Ensro {G} [PG] The Kilt series by banlu {G} [PG] Mara series by Daydreamer {G} [NC-17] Mediocrity's Allure by Jill Selby Paper Saints by Jill Selby {M} [PG-13] Profiler or Prophet by Daydreamer {G}{A} [R] Right on the Nose by mimic117 {G} [NC-17] Scattering Seeds Upon A Stone by Jill Selby Self Confidence by Donna {G}{M} [R] Things That Lie Outside by JET (Jesemie's Evil Twin) {G} [NR] Wing & Prayer by Revely {G} [PG] Yin/Yang by LeeAnn Wagner {G}{M} [NC-17] You are here: