Non-Canon Siblings (siblings they didn't have on the show - more than just mentioned in passing) **Thanks to Neoxphile for the initial list!** + indicates this story was added since the last update ~~~Mulder or Scully~~~ Baby Plans by Kristen {G} [PG] Blood Ties series by Dawn {G}{A}{M} [PG] Family Ties by Mary {G} [R] Fredrick by Lilydale {G} [NR] Iolokus by MustangSally & RivkaT {G} {A} [PG to NC-17] Mulder's Creek series by Neoxphile {G} [PG] Searing Snow by Deslea Judd {G} [PG] Simple Choices by Donna {G} [PG] The Starkweather series by Scully3776 & Spookykat {G} [R] ~~~Skinner~~~ Doppler Effect by NY Smith {G} [PG] The X-Files Gothic by NY Smith {G} [R] ~~~Doggett and/or Reyes~~~ Starkweather series by Scully3776 & Spookykat {G} [R] You are here: