Stories with States in Their Title + indicates that this story has been added since the last update ALABAMA A Motel In Alabama By Ann K. {G} [PG] Snow In Alabama By Tesla & Maybe Amanda {G} [PG] Sweet Home Alabama by FBIWhistleblower {G} [R] ARIZONA Alive And Well And Living In Arizona By Laura Castellano {G} [PG] +Arizona by Idgy {G} [PG] Arizona Highways By Fialka {G}{W} [NC-17] CALIFORNIA Christmas In California By Michelle Kiefer {G} [PG] California Case File By Margie {G} [R] +California Here We Come by Suzanne Feld {G} [PG] +California Screamin' by abracadabra {G} [R] CONNECTICUT Delivery At The Corner Of Dupont And Connecticut by Rachel Wilder {G} [PG] FLORIDA +Florida by Hebburn Bee Slayer {G} [PG] Gone To Florida By David Hearne {G} [R] IDAHO Hellhole, Idaho By Jess {G} [NC-17] Idaho Shoes by Mish {G} [PG] INDIANA Indiana By Leyla Harrison {G} [PG] GEORGIA Georgia Heat by Angel-Wings Gaskins {G} [PG] HAWAII Hawaiian Blizzard by Andi Dawkins & Devanie Maxwell {G} [PG] KANSAS Bleeding Kansas By Maidenjedi {G} [R] Kansas by Lara Means {G} [PG] KENTUCKY A Kentucky Sunset by Arca Hadley {G} [PG] LOUISIANA Louisiana By Terma99 {G} [NC-17] MAINE Greetings from Maine By aka "Jake" {G} [PG] +Maine Memory by Annie {G} [G] Maine Squeeze by Jenny Clarke {G} [PG] MINNESOTA Above Minnesota By Cecily Sasserbaum {G} [PG] Minnesota By Wickedzoot {G}{M} [NC-17] MISSISSIPPI Mississippi By Foxsong {G}{M} [R] Mississippi By B. Bennett & Elaine Risley {G} [PG] MONTANA Butt, Montana By Jess {G} [R] NEBRASKA Nebraska By Donna {G} [R] Nebraska By Emma Brightman {G} [PG] Nebraska By Nicole Mason {G} [NC-17] NEW JERSEY +Jersey Devil, Indeed by Macspooky {G} [NC-17] +Jersey Dreams by Anne Milne {G} [NR] Jersey-deviled by mimic117 {G} [PG] NEW MEXICO New Mexico Nights By Kimogen {G} [NC-17] OHIO Belmont, Ohio, 3:36 P.M. By Sarah Segretti {G} [PG] OKLAHOMA Oklahoma By Amperage & Livengoo {G} [NC-17] Oklahoma City Memorial By Sheryl Martin {G} [G] OREGON +Oregon Again by LissaMarie {G} [PG] Oregon, 8 AM by Seulement Moi {G} [NR] RHODE ISLAND Long Drive Home from Rhode Island by Macspooky {G} [R] TEXAS +Eyes of Texas by Laurie D. Haynes & Katvictory {G} [R] +A Splash in Texas by Michelle {W} [NC-17] +Texas by RaVeN {G} [G] +Texas 01 - Dawn, Texas by Mariatex {G}[G] +Texas 02 - Utopia, Texas by Mariatex {G} [PG] Texas History Lesson By Katvictory {G}{M} [R] Texas Swing By N. Y. Smith {G} [PG] Texas Swing by Kathy Foote UTAH Goodbye Utah By Bonetree {G} [NC-17] VIRGINIA Coming Home 06 - Interlude In Virginia By Melissa Kennedy Lee {G} [R] Virginia Beach By Shoshana {G} [G-PG] WASHINGTON DC The Current Temperature In Downtown Washington By Sarah Segretti {G} [PG] +Mr. Skinner Goes to Washington by Brown Eyed Girl {M} [R] +South Park Goes to Washington by Fiona Bradley {G} [R] WYOMING Lost & Found In Wyoming By Dasha K {G} [PG] You are here: