Undercover Together (whether they like it or not!) + indicates that this story has been added since the last update Many of these fics can be found here: http://underthecovers.xphilefic.com or here: http://2close4comfort.xphilefic.com/ The American Dream by Florimell (Made of Snow) {G} [PG] And a Silver Sixpence by Teigen {G} [NC-17] Arcades 01 - Tomorrow to fresh woods, and pastures new by Sarah Ellen Parsons {G} [R] Beaches by Donna {G} [R] Call Girl by Cybill {G} [NC-17] Covenants, Contracts & Restrictions by Suzanne Schramm {G}{W} [NC-17] Dreamscape by Foxsong {G} [PG] Eight Years by aRcaDIaNFall$ {G} [PG] Elixir by Rebecca Rusnak {A} [PG] Falling for Each Other by Michelle {W} [NC-17] The Fallout From Arcadia by Ten {G}{M} [NC-17] Forgiveness Revisited by Robby Keofe {G} [PG] Fragrant by Jori {G} [PG] Honeymoon from Hell by Gerry Hill {G} [PG] Hostages by Danielle Culverson {G}{M} [PG] Hot Wax by Gina Rain {G} [R] IMTP Virtual Season 09x16 - Shakespirited by mimic117 {G}{M} [PG] Kaunistama by Katrinka {G} [NC-17] Miracle by Tesla {G}{M} [PG] My Face Is My Own by K. Brown {G} [PG] Necessary Smut by Jada Rene Never by Allison Kinney {G}{W} [NC-17] Night In Arcadia by Foxsong {G} [R] Playing House 01 by shannono {G} [PG] Playing House 02 by Brandon D. Ray {G} [PG] Return to Arcadia by EnigmaticDM Sand Castles by mercury_999 {G} [R] Surfaces and Depths by Branwell {G} [PG] Tantric by TBishop {G} [NC-17] Thank You For Shopping at K-Mart by Brandon D. Ray {G} [PG] Undercover Work by Donna {G} [R] Viva Las Vegas by Macspooky {G}{W} [NC-17] Walking in Sunlight by Summer M. {G} [PG] Yee-haw by Satina {G} [NC-17] You are here: http://lostandfoundfaq.xphilefic.com/