SuperScully! (Scully has special powers) + indicates that this story has been added since the last update 1000 Rainy Days by R.L. Montoya {G}{A}{M} [R] Ad Aeternum by Julie Jekel Age Cannot Wither by ML (Scully immortal) {G} [PG] Bridge by Maria Nicole (M & Sc) {G} [PG] Colonization by Donna {G} [PG-R] Connected by Lovesfox {G} [R] Contact High by Penumbra (M & Sc) {G} [NC-17] Crossing The Water by Eva James (M & Sc) {G} [NC-17] Cruento Somnium by Lana & Laina {G} [NC-17] Eloin by Annette Gisby {G} [R] Fidelity by Suzanne Schramm {G} [PG] Folly by RivkaT {G} [PG] The Gift by Donna {G} [NC-17] Goshen by Bonetree {G}{W}{M} [PG13-NC17] Hear No, See No by Lyz {G} [PG] How It All Happened by dmulder {G} [PG] It Just Happened by Mystic {G}{A} [G] Knowing by Kipler {G} [G] Letonia by Cherry {G} [NR] The Mercy Seat by Bonetree {G} [NC-17] Mirror Image by Donnilee {G}{W} [NC-17] Nocturnal Perceptions by Jen Green {G}{M} [PG-13] Nor Custom Stale by ML (Scully immortal) {G}{M} [PG-13] Not Alone by Audrey Cooper {G}{M} [R] Of Two Minds by X-Phan {G}{W} [PG & NC-17] Prison of Innocents by jrfpatton {G} [R] Razorgirl by Trajan Dunn Recondite by eponine119 (Megan Reilly) {G} [PG] The Rescue by FatCat {G} [PG] Stream Of Consciousness by Megan Graham (M & Sc) {G} [PG] Tapestry by Lisa Peers {G} [R] Telepathic Desire by Romantika (M & Sc) {G} [PG] Thoughts Spoken Aloud by Andrea Melville {G} [PG] Visions by Jeannine Ackerson {G}{A} [PG-NC17] What Mulder Wants by Leelee {G} [NC-17] Wrong Place, Wrong Time by Kaitlin Engler {G} [PG] You are here: