The Bet (Any bet, any characters, any prize) + indicates that this story has been added since the last update 12 Steps to Success by Amy Schatz {G}{M} [G] Agent Scully's Miracle Cure by Andrea {G}{W} [NC-17] The Bet by Dawson E. Rambo {G} [PG] The Bet by Xenith {G}{M} [PG] Caving by A. Kelley Nolan {G} [R] The Dirty Birds by Ria D. {G} [NR] Dirty Dancing by shannono {G} [PG] Gourmet Groping by The Pimpernel {G} [R] I'd Know You Anywhere by Yonada {G} [NC-17] In a Day's Work by Jaime Lyn {G} [PG] Inter-Office Politics by Jennifer-Oksana {G} [NC-17] Life is Just a Bowl of Cherries by Aricia {G} [NC-17] Loser Takes All by Nicknoc {G} [NC-17] A Moose and Squirrel Christmas by DLynn {G} [PG] Orchids In Bloom by bugs {G} [NC-17] The Painting by David S. {G}{M}{W} [NC-17] The Pool by Rebecca Perlow {G} [PG-13] Scream by viXen {G}{W} [R/NC-17] Sweet Dreams, Mulder by Anna Chait {G} [PG] Sweet Torture by DominatriX {G} [NC-17] Toady by PhileyX {G} [PG] Ultimate Seminar Tale by Carrie-Leanne {G} [R] Wager by Sweet Almond {G} [PG] The Wager by Jacquie LaVa {W} [NC-17] You Bet Your Life by Barb, CoryG, Piper, GS, Nicnoc, Amanda, Cathy, Catriona {G} [NR] You are here: