Elevators (All ratings) + indicates that this story has been added since the last update All the Time in the World by Susan Antipasto by Mohairbear The Bullfrog Chronicles by dtg {G} [R] Close Enough by Kelly E. Youse {G} [PG] Comfortable Tension by Cybill & Xfilesopus {G} [NC-17] Elevator by Mystic & eponine119 {G} [PG] Elevator Music by Jacquie LaVa Elevator Shoes by KristenK2 {G} [R] Elevators by Lass Mulder {G} [PG] Getting Lucky by salliejohns & Lynn Saunders {G} [PG] Going Down by Marcia Nanc Tiersky {G} [NC-17] Going Down by Shadow {G} [G] Going Down by Lycana {G} [NC-17] In the Elevator by PennyLane {G} [NC-17] Love in an Elevator by gillianinchains {G} [NC-17] Love in an Elevator by Rosaria Passanisi {G} [NC-17] Musing of a FBI Elevator by Wishful13 {G} [NC-17] Of Elevators and Onions by the idiosyncratic stanwyck {G} [R] Semper Ubi Sub Ubi 02 by Cyra {G} [NC-17] Shell Shock by PD Situational Claustrophobia by Jaime Lyn {G} [R] Strange Grace by Summer {G} [G] Turning Point by Leonora F. Radovcic {G} [PG] Underwear by Queen Mab {G}{W} [NC-17] Welcome Home by Eowyn Evenstar {G} [NC-17] Wishing You Would Dare by mimic117 {G}{W} [NC-17] You are here: http://lostandfoundfaq.xphilefic.com/