Food fics + indicates that this story has been added since the last update 155 Words - A Nice Sit-Down Meal by Kasey Miller {G} [G] 155 Words - The Finest Cuisine by Kasey Miller {G} [G] 3 Deadly Sins by Norma-Jeane Baker {G} [NC-17] Absolute Beginners by diehard {G}{A}{W} [NC-17] Alternatives 5 by shannono & Brandon D. Ray {G}{A}{W} [NC-17] +Ananas by Barenaked Bostonian {G} [R] And He Do The Walk by sneakers {G} [PG] Artificial Starlight by Annie Sewell-Jennings {G} [R] +Baccarat Piece: A Classical Education by Sean Spencer (slash) {G} [NC-17] +Bananas by Rocketman {G} [NR] +Birthday Cake - And Eaten, Too by Jacquie LaVa {G} [NC-17] Buena Vista Social Club by Beduini {G} [NR] +By Touch by Wylfcynne {G}{W} [NC-17] +Cherries by Coolcat350 {G} [PG] Chicken Cordon Bleu by Suzanne Barringer {G} [G] Chicken Wings by Linda Phillips {G}{W} [NC-17] Chocolate Raspberry Truffle by Bidie McCucholl Completely True by Andrea {G} [NC-17] Cooking Al Dente by Spookey247 Cravings by abracadabra {W} [NC-17] Eat It Too by Rachel Anton {G}{W} [NC-17] Fifth Day in Paradise by Kate Rickman {G}{M} [R] +Fiiive Apple Piiies by RhymePhile {G} [G] Filling Groovy by Adrienne {G}{W} [NC-17] Five Senses series by Suzanne Barringer {G} [PG to R] Fondue by Jenna Caplan {G} [NC-17] +Food series by Barenaked Bostonian {G} [G] For The Love Of Chocolate by Nlynn & Alcott {G} [NC-17] +Fried Chicken and Sex by Steven Wagner {G} [R] +Gourmet Groping by The Pimpernel {G} [R] +Grapes by Lynn Gregg {G} [PG] The Grapes of Wrath by Rhondda Lake {W} [NC-17] +The Great Roadtrip Vegetable Contest by Foxsong {G} [PG] +Happy Birthday Scully by K. McCoy {G} [R] Hot and Cold by abracadabra {G} [NC-17] Instructions Included by Foxprose {G} [NC-17] +Just Desserts by Forte {G} [NC-17] Kiss the Cook by Myriss {G}{M} [PG] Lace by Annie Sewell-Jennings {G}{W} [NC-17] Lasagna by shannono {G} [PG] +Late Night at the Hoover II: Lunch by Fran58 {G} [G] Leftovers by Terma99 {G}{W} [NC-17] +The Magic Number by mimic117 {G} [NC-17] Magic Shell: Snack by Evielouise {G} [NC-17] +Magic Shell 5: Caroling by Wylfcynne {G} [NC-17] +Magic Shell 10: Ice Cream Sandwich by Wylfcynne {G} [NC-17] Marginal by Michelle Kiefer {G} [R] Meltdown by Blackwood {G}{W} [NC-17] Mezzo Luna by Michelle Kiefer {G} [R] Mind Candy by B. Dipherowa {G} [NC-17] Momentary Lapses IV by Plausible Deniability {G} [R] A Moveable Feast by Suture {G} [PG] +New Vegetable Age by Renata Schaafsma One Ordinary Day by Dryad {G} [NC-17] Open Air by Jenna B +Pear Necessity by Lysandra {G} [PG] +Peanut Butter and Chocolate - A Love Letter by (author name removed by request) +Peanut Butter Picnic by RhymePhile {G} [G] Perfect Menu for Success by M. Taylor Harrison {G} [R] Pizza & a Beer by Leyla Harrison {G}{W} [NC-17] Prayer by Daydreamer {G} {M} [PG] +Puddding by ML {G} [NC-17] Pumpkin Seeds by KatyBlue {G} [PG] Raisin Pie by Brandon D. Ray {G} [PG] Ready by abracadabra & lovesfox {G} [NC-17] Salt by Anjou {G} [PG] Saturday Morning, Two Breakfasts by Dasha K +Scully and the Zucchinni Man by Punk Maneuverability Seeds by Alicia K. {G} [NC-17] Shells by Alicia K. {G} [NC-17] The Simple Joy of Cooking by Flynn {G} [NC-17] Skin by Annie Sewell Jennings {W} [NC-17] Steam & Ice Cream by Crash & Ten {G} [NC-17] +Sticky Fingers by Jenna {G} [NC-17] Sticky Sweet by Rae {G} [NC-17] +Strange Fruit by Punk Maneuverability {G} [PG] Strange Meat by Branwell {G} [PG] Sunday by Terma99 {G} [R] Thin Slices by Myriss {G} [R] Tootsie Pop series by Evielouise {G}{A}{W} [NC-17] +Tricks With Chocolate by Kelly Youse {G} [NC-17] Weighing the Day by banlu {G} [PG] +Why Cucumbers are Better Than Mulder by ga +Wolf series by Mike {G} [NC-17] +You Saucy Thing 01 & 02 by Nessie {G} [NC-17] You are here: