Kick-Ass Fight Scenes + indicates that this story has been added since the last update Cat Fight by Donnilee {G}{W} [NC-17] Chilled by Forte {G} [R] Dark and Dangerous by MustangSally {G} [NC-17] Estrogen Frenzy by Brandon D Ray {G} [NC-17] Getting Her Ya Ya's by Adrienne {G} [R] Grudge Match of the Millenium, or High-Noon Scully-Style by Jacquie LaVa Iolokus by MustangSally & RivkaT {G}{W}{A} [PG - NC-17] The Magician series by Suzanne Bickerstaffe & Jennifer Lyon {G}{M}{W}{A} [PG - NC-17] Mara by Daydreamer {G}{A} [NC-17] Profiler or Prophet by Daydreamer {G}{M} [R] Profiles in Caring: Emerson by Daydreamer {G}{M}{A} [R - NC-17] Profiles in Caring: Roberson by Daydreamer {G}{M}{A} [R - NC-17] Retrieval series by Daydreamer {G}{A}[R - NC-17] Revanche by Ryo Sen {G} [R] Syntax and Measure by MustangSally {G}{A} [NC-17] You are here: