Laundromats (may include non-sex fics) + indicates that this story has been added since the last update ...with bleach! by Jennifer Martin {G} [PG] Apt. 42 - Spin Cycle by Denise Bryson & Carrie Laughlin {G} [PG] Dinner and A Movie by eponine119 {G} [PG] Fluff 'n Fold by Nicola Simpson {G} [G] +Friday by Martin Ross +Gradual Precipitation by Narida Law {G}{W} [NC-17] Laundry by Punk Maneuverability {G} [PG] Laundry by Xanthe (slash) Opening Door Does Not Alter Time by Marguerite {G} [NR] Revenge by Lovesfox {G} [NC-17] Riding the Whirlpool by Pufferdeaux {G}{W} [NC-17] A Rose in the Deeps by K.B.Yeats (Kelley Walters & Brighid) {G}{A} [PG] Train Up A Man by mimic117 {G}{W} [NC-17] X-Feld by Steven Han {G} [R] You are here: