Pre-X-Files fics + indicates that this story has been added since the last update Many of these fics can be found here: or here: Ab Initio by Ana Vicente {G} [PG] Academy Life I by Juliettt {G} [PG] Addicted To Love by virtue_fluttering {G} [R] Alone I Keep the Wolves At Bay by Ginef {G}{M} [R] Angie by OneMillionAndNine {G} [R] As A Teenager by Cerulean Blue As the Driven Snow by Johnie {G} [NC-17] Before series by Emily Miller {G}{A} [G - PG] The Beginning of Love by Erin M. Blair Beginnings & Endings by Jacquie LaVa Blind Date by Donna {G} [PG] Body Check by Calypso {G} [PG] The Broken Heart by Juliettt {G} [PG] A Case of Compromise by Joann Humby {G}{M} [PG] A Change of Cast by Susanne Barringer {G} [NC-17] Childhood Memories by Chloe Durlem {G} [NR] The Children We Were by Tara Avery {G}{M} [PG] Children's Books & Cappucino by Jennifer Ethridge {G} [NR] Class Project I and II by Carolina {G} [PG] Coming Back Soon by Hilary Storm {G} [G] Coming Home by Kennedy Connection by Donna Contrasts: The Birth of Two Sons by Macspooky Daddy by Tara Avery {G} [PG] Dead of Winter by Jane Lumley {G}{M}{A} [NC-17] Dear Samantha by Erin Blair {G} [PG] Dislocated Youth by Mary Turner Dissecting Lizards by Kayla Ariev {G} [PG] Eleventh Hour by Rachel Anton {G}{M}{W} {A} [NC-17] Faces of The Future by Johannah Hupp-Clark {G} [G] Fast Food by Rotem Shahar {G} [NR] A Fine White Haze(slash) by Jennifer-Oksana {G} [NC-17] First Blood series by Sarah Johnson {G} [PG] First Impressions by Joann Humby {G}{M} [R] First Impressions: Going Shopping by Diana Alexander {G} [PG] The First Time by Carol Gritton {G} [PG] Friends Even In Childhood by Penny Daza {G}{A} [G - R] From Anaheim to Milan to Home by Carolina {G} [PG] The Game by Vickie Moseley {G} [PG] Get Out The Map by Taylor Green M&M's by Chesa Baker Gypsy by Ebonbird {G} [PG] Here's Where the Story Ends by Rebecca Rusnak Hollow Day by Kel {G} [PG] I Love You Daddy by Alanna Guinevere Jumeaux by Dragonlady {G} [G - NC-17] Kid Stuff Series by Donna {G}{W} [G - NC-17] Lammatarra by Joann Humby {M}{A} [PG-13] Last Generation by Elizabeth Iacono {G} [PG] Little Fox by Carol Gritton {G} [G] The Longest Time by Lil Gusty Looking by Kyselyea {G} [R] Maybe? by Christine Leigh {G} [G] The Meeting by Erin Blair A Memory Shared by Two by Heather Behl {G} [PG] Mercury Falling by cslatton {G} [R] Moments Aleatoires A temps (Random Moments in Time) by Cassie & Shanda Weeks {G} [NC-17] Mulder's Creek seasons by Neoxphile {G} [PG] Not Just a Little Boy by Glymax {G} [PG] Number 34 by Vickie Moseley {G} [G] Oops by Irena {G} [NC-17] Out of the Cold by Vickie Moseley {G}{M} [R] Out of the Shadows by Joann Humby {G}{M} [R] Oxford Blues by J.S. Michel {G} [PG] Oxford Departure by Elizabeth Iacono {G} [PG] Party Time by Donna {G} [PG] Pass In The Night by Donna {G} [G] Past Imperfect by Joann Humby {G}{M}{A} [R] Poison by Ophelia {G} [R] Pot Roast by Anna Adler {G} [G] Retrieving the Future by Elizabeth Iacono {G} [PG] Scar Tissue by Joann Humby {M}{A} [R] Seminal Events by Kel & Trelawney {G} {W} [NC-17] Small Sound Black Dreams series by Amatia (f/f slash) {G} [PG - NC-17] Smoke Gets in Your Eyes series by PlausibleDeniability {G}{W} [NC-17] Snapshots by Sheryl Martin {G} [G] Someone Else's Eyes by Ryo Sen Spooky by Rachel Carper {G} [PG] The Star's Child by LIBCTR Stars in the Sky by Erin Blair Sting by JourneytoX {G} [R] Stones in the Ocean by Elizabeth Iacono {G} [PG] Summer Camp by Foxfire121 {W} [NC-17] Summer Camp by Kelli Summer of '79 by DeepBlue21 {G} [PG] Teamwork by Sara Wallcraft {G} [G] Tears of An Undertaker by David Hearne {G} [PG] Telling Ahab by SetMedic {G} [G] Terminal X by Christina Talay {G} [G] Through the Eyes of a Child by Kerri Sismilich {G} [NR] Through The Looking Glass by KMS {G} [PG] Train Up a Man by mimic117 {G}{W} [NC-17] The UFO Convention by Erin Blair Unfinished Affairs II: Laying the Groundwork by Zephirine {G} [PG] Valentine Surprise by Jkinbote {G} [G] When He is Grown by mimic117 {G}{W} [NC-17] Where You Are From by Calypso {G} [PG-13] You are here: