Real Jobs + indicates that this story has been added since the last update After the Rain by Imajiru (both - a factory) City of Light by bonetree (Mulder - sheep and horse ranch) Collector by Rebecca Marler (Scully's still FBI, Mulder a psychologist) Debroullier by Tess (Scully's a full-time mom, Mulder works for a non-profit) Drug Rings, Black Bikinis and Don Henley by Taylor (Mulder - art professor, Scully works at the Mall) The Fringe series by Michelle Kiefer (Mulder - furniture refinisher) Going Up, Going Down by Abracadabra (Mulder - construction) Goodbyes / Hellos by Donna (Mulder - construction) How Scully Got Her Groove Back by FatCat (Scully - professor at Georgetown University) Ice Capades Rock for Dana and Fox by bcfan (Ice Capades doubles team) Jasper's Last Thought by MD1016 (Mulder - delivery truck driver, Scully - doctor) Kinesthesia by Amy (both - carnies) Life Times: Best Friends With Benefits by Agent Quetzel (they are...not FBI) Never by Allison Kinney (Mulder - construction) Once in a Lifetime by Toniann (Mulder - coach, Scully - Librarian) Pigs on the Wing by Trelawney (Scully - liquor store, Mulder - forklift) Quis Si by Trixie (Scully was FBI, Mulder a psychologist) Retam Sullet by OneMillionandNine (Mulder - basketball coach, Langley - electrician, Scully - mortician) Secret world by Bonetree (Scully - doctor) Truckin' by Donnilee and FatCat (both - truck drivers) Yee-Haw by Satina (Scully - cook, Mulder - ranch hand) You are here: