Scully Hates Diana + indicates that this story has been added since the last update Acting and Reacting by Sara B. After Dinner Conversation by Maureen B. Ocks {G} [R] All Lies by J.C. Roberts {G} [R] Apparitions by Calesta B. {G} [R] Ask by Heather Behl {G} PG] The Estrangement of Shared Purpose by Vesalius {G} [G] Five Billion and One by Anne Haynes Grand Canyon Suite by Michelle Kiefer {G} [PG] Iced Tea and Vanilla Wafers by Chimerical Chameleon {G} [R] Inside the Cards by Oracle {G} [PG] Lost Time by Spider {G}{A} [NC-17] One Son Aftermath by C & Me {G} [NC-17] A Time to Heal by Sara B. Until There's Nothing Left to Say 1 by xenoprobe {G} [PG] You are here: