Scully Torture + indicates that this story has been added since the last update China Lake by PD Comfortably Numb by Paige Caldwell {G} [NC-17] Connected by Lovesfox {G} [R] A Crying Shame by Janis(JEhrat) {G}{A} [R] Desideratum by Rachel Anton & Laura Blaurosen {G}{A} [NC-17] Dreamweaver by Twister Jester & Storm Erlona's Heart by MD1016 {G}{A} [NC-17] Failsafe by Caroline {G}{M} [R] Haunted Moon by Stephanie Kaiser {G}{M}{W} [NC-17] House of Life by Xenith {G} [PG] I Know by dee_ayy {G}{M} [NR] Injuries to the Spirit by Mystphile {G}{A} [NC-17] No Angel Came by Lydx {G} [R] Profiles in Caring series by Daydreamer {G}{M}{A} [NC-17] A Question of Why by Lovesfox Resurrecting Dido by Amy Schatz {G} [PG] Revenge by Lovesfox {G} [NC-17] Seeds of Synchronicity by mountainphile {G}{W} [NC-17] Shatter by Amy Schatz {G} [NR] Trefoil series by lil gusty {G} [R] You are here: