Getting Off to a Shaky Start (Or less-than-perfect beginning to a physical relationship) + indicates that this story has been added since the last update Backtracking by Kel & Scetti {G} [R] The Carrot and the Stick by Plausible Deniability {G}{W} [NC-17] Cheapened Things by MD1016 {G} [NC-17] The Clock Watcher by Plausible Deniability {G} [NC-17] Curtain Up by Gina Rain {G} [R] The Eggshell Dance by Gina Rain {G} [R] The Golden Year by prufrock's love In My End is My Beginning by Johnie {G} [NC-17] No Quarter Given series by Mish {G}{M} [NC-17] One Night of Passion by TBishop {G} [NC-17] This House is Burning series by Tesla {G} [R] This Never Happened by TBishop {G} [NC-17] The Way Things Are by Sukie Tawdry {G}{M} [NC-17] Weekend Revelations by Dahlak Worth Breaking by Narida Law {G}{A}{W} [NC-17] You are here: