Vignettes (short, but satisfying) + indicates that this story has been added since the last update 100 Miles of Nothing But Tin Can Phones by MD1016 2Trust by Daydreamer {G}[R] Attractive by Alanna {G}[R] Bed and Breakfast by David Stoddard-Hunt {G}[NC-17] Bedbugs by Ten {G}[PG] Bellini Confessions by Tara Avery {G}[PG] Brass Bed by TBishop {G}{W}[NC-17] Breathe by Anjou {G}[PG] Breathin' Room by mountainphile {G}[R] But We Also Live by Lydia Bower {G}[G] Cat Scratch Fever by Brandon D. Ray {G}[NC-17] Changed by (author name removed by request) Chemistry by Blackwood Chin Music by Anne Haynes {G}[PG] Contact by Mish {G}[PG] Conversation in the Afterglow by Kelly J. Thompson {G}[PG] Cotton and Down by shannono {G}[NC-17] The Crush by Jacquie LaVa Current Events by beduini {G}[G] The Dark and the Light by Daydreamer {G}[PG] Dear Samantha by Erin Blair {G}[PG] Delivery at the Corner of Dupont and Connecticut by Rachel Wilder {G}[PG] Drive Thru by beduini {G}[R] Dust Bunnies by Seagrumn Leigh {G}[PG] Early by beduini {G}[PG] Even Now by Daydreamer {G}[R] Every Mother's Child by Jill Selby Father's Day Unveiled . . . by Ten {G}[PG] Fenway by shannono {G}[R] First Time Ever I . . . by Anna Chait {G}[PG] For Love by Anna Chait {G}[NR] The Fourth Wish by Neoxphile {G}[PG] Fox Versus the Volcano by Livia Balaban {G}[PG] The Galaxy Box by Ten {G}[PG] Got Game? by Lysandra {G}[NC-17] Hoops by Daydreamer Housewarming by Ten & Macspooky {G}[NC-17] I Know You by mountainphile {G}[PG] I Want to Tell Her by Daydreamer I Watch You Sleeping by Erin Blair If I Die by Erin Blair {G}[NR] An Incredible Unexciting Tale of Two People in Love by Jennifer-Oksana {G}[PG] Invocation by ThePenName {G}[R] The Joys of Boys by Ten {G}{M}[R] Just Another Day by Kelly Keil {G}[PG] Love You by Erin Blair Luckiest Man in the World by Erin Blair {G}[PG] Making It series by Macspooky & Ten {G}[R] Metamorphosis by Annie Sewell-Jennings {G}[NC-17] A Millennium Love Letter by Erin Blair Move the Body Over by Soodohnimh {G}{W}[NC-17] New Millennium series by Vickie Moseley & Ten {G}[G-R] New Year's Eve by Vickie Moseley {G}[PG] Not-So-Wishful Thinking by Ten {G}[R] Old Home by Macspooky & Ten {G}[R] One Hour Left by Sarah Kiley Opening the Door by mountainphile {G}{W}[R] Pillow Talk 01 by Worth by Livia Balaban {G}[PG] Post-Climactic Stress by Lysandra {G}[NC-17] Q'Anay by Lydia Bower {G}[R] Rarity by OkayVal Red Valerian 09: Saturday Morning, Two Breakfasts by Dasha K. {G}{W}[NC-17] Riding Out Passionate Seas by Mab {G}[NC-17] Scenarios by Maureen B. Ocks {G}[R] Secret Eulogy by mountainphile {G}[R] See You Tomorrow by Cratkinson {G}[PG] She's Gone by Erin Blair {G}[NR] Silver Dreams by Erin Blair {G}[PG] Sunset Visitation by mountainphile {G}{W}[NC-17] Taco Bell Tails by Ten {G}[R] Take Another Breath by mountainphile {G}[PG] The Taste Test by mountainphile {G}[PG] Trespassin' by mountainphile {G}[R] Turf War by XochiLuvr {G}[NR] virtutes jam purgati animi by XochiLuvr {G}[PG] Wildwash by OkayVal {G}[PG] A Worthy Task by mountainphile {G}[G] You are here: